Saturday, September 2, 2017

April Showers Bring ZAP!

I was able to bring in a wonderful STEM educator from a local private school for a special program on electricity. While trying to come up with an interesting electricity program for Benjamin Franklin's birthday in January I found a number of experiments using a large static-electricity producing machine called the Van de Graaf generator. You might have played with one at a science museum or in science class. I looked around to see if I could rent one or have an organization bring one to the library for a modest price. By putting out my search at a staff meeting I found out that a local private school that one of our branch manager's kids attended had one. Even better, the STEM educator there had a relationship with our library. She was happy to spend her Saturday sharing her school's resources with our kids. It ended up taking us a while to arrange the program and I ended up holding it in April.

She brought all of her own materials for experiments with the generator and two additional experiments. One simply involved wires, batteries, and small lightbulbs, encouraging the children to experiment with circuits.

We had several parents and kids try out the generator with hair-raising results. Fine, light hair reacts most visibly, so be aware that not everyone will end up with their hair sticking up. But you still feel the current through your body. The teacher was well versed on the safety measures and made sure everyone practiced them, there were no injuries. She just used a regular outlet for the generator.

This program had some of my favorite elements: free, STEM, and bringing an unusual experience to the library. It was also very light on using library resources, including supplies and my time for planning/set-up.

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